Many benefits are associated with cloud computing. However one major concern is what kind of impact will it have on the internal IT department of the enterprise? With cloud computing, you just use resources provided and managed remotely by an external provider. So what use will the IT department be?
This is a growing valid concern that many IT professionals have on their mind. The answer to the question is: there will still be a need for IT deparment, although it might be smaller in size and more agile. The operational layer within the enterprise will be scaled down considerably since delivery of this layer will from the cloud provider. Provisioning a virtualised server will only need a few clicks on a web interface!
In my opinion, focus inside the enterprise will shift to the management and administration, compliance and analysis. Do not panic yet if you are the “server guy”! The migration to the cloud will take a long while due to cost, security and regulatory issues. But it will be a good idea as an IT professional to grow your portfolio of skills.
Underwater drilling is a skill much in demand! 🙂
Thanks for reading.